
Bumble #InternSzn

Verticals: Date, Bizz, BFF

Objective: Create a four-part event series in New York City that partners with social hubs and influencers to attract Gen-Z summer interns who are longing for like-minded company in an intimidating new city. The events were free, but entry and perks (like free drink tickets) were granted only with proof of profile, so guests were driven back to the app.

Events included:
Bumble Happy Hour Concert at Elsewhere [Brooklyn]
Bumble Bizz Networking at Coffee N’ Clothes [SoHo]
Bumble BFF Wellness Night at Chillhouse [Essex]
Bumble End of Summer Concert at Chelsea Music Hall with JP Saxe, Audrey, and Sophia [Chelsea]

First Movers Club

Vertical: Bizz

Objective: Expand our collegiate reach beyond the Greek community, leveraging student leaders and campus influencers to tell their entrepreneurial stories through Bumble Bizz. Diversity of thought, activity, and cultural background was top of mind here.

Selected go-getters at the University of Texas, Bumble’s hometown university, inaugurated the founding chapter of the First Movers Club and promoted Bumble Bizz as collegiate ambassadors through event, guerilla, and social media marketing.